Saturday, September 3, 2011

Internet School vs Traditional

Welcome to Man Reason!!! So, the phone posting gives me freedom and portability but as for aesthetics, um its not that great. More practice is needed. So here goes a combination try or phone plus computer post.
With that disclaimer out of the way, let's talk about school.

Online versus Traditional

Online defined as school where all classes are performed online in some form. The student never has to go to a campus or to a classroom for actual class.

Traditional defined as classes that the student must attend on a campus.

I will go ahead and get directly to the winner, Online School. Sorry traditional but there really isn't a reason to go to a tradition college any longer and as time passes traditional colleges will be as important as newspapers.

Let's be honest, what is the reason that anyone would have to go to a tradition college? Parties, more parties, sports, and join a fraternity or sorority. Education wise, not really important especially if your field of study is not a hands on field like a surgeon. If the class does not require physical activity, then why is it important for anyone to go? If all you are doing as a student is taking notes and sitting in a class for an hour, why couldn't you do that same note taking at home? Labs, yes, you may at this time need a college classroom for purely safety reasons, other than that, stay at home.

Now with the slowly emerging video conferencing applications appearing on smartphones, tablets, and computers, the days of needing to leave your home to view a lecture is over. The amount of students around the world that could view a lecture is unlimited.

Not convinced. How about responsibility of the student to attend class? Ok, most professors will have a clause in there syllabus that deals with attendance. My problem with that is that I am paying for class so shouldn't I have the right to come or not to come without being penalized? Well with online classes, when you log in, you are in class. It takes self motivation and responsibility to do online classes. Yes, those same factors may be involved in traditional classes, the reality of it all is that it is much easier to attend a traditional class then it would be an online. Both though require the responsibility and motivation to study, but what's the point of traditional class if I am studying at home. Why not just take an online class and still study at home?

Think I was just rambling there. Let's just say that the only reason to go to a traditional college is to play sports and social interactions. Seriously, that's about it. Maybe my vote against traditional schools has not been convincing, but neither has the arguments for traditional classes. Can anyone make an argument for traditional classes?

Man Reason

Monday, July 4, 2011

Two Sides to Every Fence

Welcome to Man Reason!!! Phone post three! The picture thang (yes, thang) didn't work on the last post, so this will be try two. I continue to push myself in thinking outside the box. How did you like the more educated non-sexual non-relationship posting? Oh, you didn't read them, well you should, they are actually surprisingly good. I'm bias though. Today though, Man Reason is traveling back in time to what I do best, relationship advice. It's always the women's fault. The end. Case closed. Problem solved. No this post isn't about blaming the female spouse for ruining the relationship, no, this post is about life after your ruined relationship. You see people stay in relationships because of fear or comfort, even though the writing is on the wall that it's over. This post will dig deep into life after death. Welcome to Man Reason!!!
Two Sides to Every Fence
So, you are in bed next to the person that you thought was the person that you would spend the rest of your life with and you realize that that isn't true any longer. Now what? Your mind starts wandering and wondering what would life be without your spouse. Here's where the dilemma begins. On one side of the fence your life is great. On the other side of the fence, your life is horrible. So which one would truely happen?
Side one: the grass is Greener
Yes, your spouse is gone and your life has never been better. It's a wonder why you stayed in a relationship with that person to begin with. So how great is your life? I don't know, everybody's happiness is different, but when I posed this question to a friend, he replied with this answer: Man, I will be stress free. No one to nag me about bullshit. No more dealing with bullshit. Just relaxing having a good time. May even meet someone who knows how to treat a good man. I didn't want to be bias so I posed this question to a female friend too. She answered: I would travel. She did not elaborate any more, accept stating places she would go. So life is great, you are happy, and youu die of euphoria. That's not the life you here about in books, on television, or during movies. No, you here about the grass not being greener.
Side two: the grass is not Greener
So you have left your spouse in hopes of greener pastures and what happens, your life takes an ugly turn for the worse. Here again, I can not say what these means for you imparticular, but judging by answers that I was given when I asked this question, the main concern is dying alone. Loneliness. Losing money (mostly a guy with kids answer). Not being able to enjoy life. Sad, yes, this life is. Yoda. This is the life that keeps you hanging in a relationship that isn't working. This is the life you see in movies, television, and written in books. Bad dog for running away! There's your choices, which life will you end up with? Somethings are out of your control, yes, but if you want my opinion (even if you don't want it, you are about to receive it) enjoy your life regardless of which side you get. Then a bad situation to a good situation. It can be done. Ok maybe I've seen too many movies also. It can't be done, accept the miserable life you have now. Man Reason!!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Development Journal Two

Welcome to Man Reason!!! Here is my second post from my educational side. I don't have much to say beforehand, enjoy. Welcome to Man Reason!!!

The Latimer Theory

The Bronfenbrenner Ecological System Theory focuses on the development of a child through several layers of influences, which include the micro, meso, and exo-systems (if you want to know what they mean, look it up). I looked at this, then looked at my step kids and said that there is something not right about the Ecological System Theory. Not that it isn’t right, but I could modify the idea. So I did. 

Just think back to all the things that influence your life, and all the lives that you have influenced. Now the Berk book does stated that in the EST (Ecological System Theory) the child can be influenced and does influence. I created what I am calling the Latimer Theory, which shows the overlap of the influences and how each influence on the child influences the influences. Keep up, did I lose you. It’s a circular theory, much like the water cycle. Culture/Society Influences the family/friends that influence the child that influences the family/friends that influence the culture/society that get it.


I have combined any human interactions that the child receives under the circle that is known as the Humanus Circle. This includes family, friends, and anyone else that you may come in contact with (teachers, strangers, the ice cream man, etc). In some systems, friends and family are separate, but I believe that though each have different influences, they themselves influence each other as well as all your human interaction that is why I combined them into one circle. Example: Your parents do not like your friends, which influences your relationship with your those friends, that influences the relationship with your parents.


The second circle (what am I, Dante) is what I call the Culture and Social. This is society as a whole influence on the child. This includes rules, laws, fads, trends, beliefs, and religion. Most of what is within this circle is non-tangible.


Now the next two circles are my creation, so I think. The first circle is called the Nondeterministic Experience. Simply put, when face with a decision the child will respond in a nondetermined nonconditioned way. When this happens, the consequence will influence the child in what way? The actions of the child then influences the other circles. This circle is best explained and seen if you place a person in a situation that they have never been in before. 


The last circle is the Universal Rubric. How do the things that man cannot control such as gravity, day and night, what planet they live on, life and death influence them? This circle influences the other three circle and though man will one day be able to control most of the universal circle, there are things that man may never be able to control. Man though can influence this circle with things such as global warming that then influence the other circles. I also add genetics in this circle though man can now do some genetic altering it is not an everyday occurrence.

All four of the circles are the influences that affect a child in my Latimer Theory. I applied my own theory to my stepson, and thought to myself, “I may be on to something here?”

Man Reason

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lower-SES and Online School

Welcome to Man Reason!!! So, complainers, i like to call them haters, say that i focus to much on sex and all stuff sexual. Well i figured i answer their complaints and expand my audience by being intellectual once in a while.  I started to think how technology could actually improve the lower-SES families and environments with online schooling. Unfortunately, for this argument I have no factual data to base this on and have did no research. This blog is strictly opinion based on a true story. Welcome to Man Reason!!!!

How Online Schooling Can Help Lower-SES Families

Status, social pressure, and social acceptance are three factors that affect every child today, but in a lower-SES neighborhood, these three factors can lead a child into life making bad decisions leading him/her into life changing and life threatening situations. These three factors negative affects can be reduced if lower-SES neighborhoods would adopt online schooling as an option.

Imagine sending your one and only beloved child to a school which ranks last in the nation, has no actual school text books, and the student death rate is higher than the graduation rate. Those factors alone are enough to convince me to keep my child at home, but those are extreme. Let’s take something less extreme. Imagine sending your child to a school where he/she is not popular and constantly picked on by the more popular kids causing him/her to be considered a social outcast. This affects your child’s self-esteem (real or not). To be accepted by one’s peers is what I will call social acceptance. Also, what I consider social acceptance is being part of something that gain some status or gives a since of belonging. This is what I would consider leads most children into gangs. The more a peer is socially accepted the higher one’s status is within that social world.

Drugs use, alcohol use, and often teen pregnancy can often be attributed to social pressure. Social pressure, or peer pressure to some, is the other factor that affects not only lower-SES children but also all children, though for this post I will only be focusing on the lower-SES.

So how does online schooling help reducing the negative affects of these factors? Remove and improve. No longer would lower-SES parents have to worry about their children going to a troubled school where their lives may be threatened due to not having to leave the home (remove). This allows also for the lower-SES families not to have to settle for the local school, being that it would be online learning, a lower-SES could settle for a school with merit. With a child in a more prestige’ school, lower-SES families, though under educated, may feel the need to assist more in the actual education of their child knowing that more opportunities will be available for their child if they succeed. The same can be seen in parents of athletic children from lower-SES families. As the child potential of having a productive finically stable life increases, the family takes more initiative in the child’s education and life. Funding for books would be irrelevent since all educational material could be digital (improve).

By also removing the child from school, the social acceptance and social pressure within the school is decreased. This decreases the chances of the lower-SES child from being introduced to drugs, alcohol, gangs, and sex within the school system. Which then would possibly also decrease the lower-SES neighborhoods drug and alcohol usage and teen parents whom may be unable to properly care for a child. The removal of the child from school reduces the chances of that child experiencing social un-acceptance which could lead to depression and other mental uneasiness that lead to needing anti-depressant drugs or committing suicide.

Rebuttal anyone? Ok, your child is not needing to be a hermit, and I can hear people questioning on how does your child learn how to socially interact without social interactions? I’m not saying that your child should be in online schooling at the pre-school age, where some social interaction learning takes place. Neither am I saying this is the cure all in lower-SES neighborhoods since these neighborhoods, I would recommend, still have after school type programs and other community functions that would encourage positive social interactions. All I am saying, first you have to change the environment.

Man Reason

school assignment outdoors
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Drawing attention

Welcome to Man Reason!!! Well the first post from my phone went well. This is the second. There is some minor things that I need to work on, like why it posted the post before another post and not after and how to put a picture in it? Well this is my second try. So school is almost over and I am trying to figure out what happens afterwards. I have been here before for undergrad and things kind of didn't work out like they do in the movies. From my understanding, you are suppose to go to college, graduate, apply,interview, and get a job. From there find a woman, get married, have kids, and watch them grow, then die. Well that's not how it worked for me. All that is for another story though. Today I will be focusing on the art of drawing attention to yourself. See I went to a party and it triggered some thoughts in my head as I people watched. Each person attempted to draw attention to themselves but some were better than others. This lead me to the thought of "Top Ten Attention Seeking People." Welcome to Man Reason!!!

10. The drunk (the I'm always drunk person): the always drunk person is always drunk. That is their job. They drink and get drunk and then who knows what. They know that they are getting drunk and so does everyone else before they reach their destination. Eventually, this person either becomes a drunk or getting drunk gets old. Once that happens, this person becomes lost and has no identity.
9.  The alternative person: being different is the key to being alternative but by being different that kind of makes you the same. Sure you stand out outside ornament area where everyone is different than you, but amongst your peers, you look normal. 
8. The slutty girl: the girl with half her clothes off before she even gets to her destination. Once there she is making out with men and women, not really to get laid, all for just attention.
7. The playboy: when this guy walks in everyone notices. He is dressed to impress, well groomed, and has been pretty his whole life. Women want him and guys want to be him. A true pretty boy can just stand in one spot and get all the women at the party.
6. The dancer: by showing u can dance, allegedly that means you are good in bed, plus as a girl it is an easy attention grabber. This correlation of dancing and sex only pretains to certain styles of dancing, it does not apply to like a ballerina. Though if someone went to a party and started doing ballet, attention that person would receive. 
5. The thugs: there' s always the guy or girl in some cases who only came out to fight. I'm not talking about your typical thugs, the stereotype thugs, they can be seen a mile away. I'm talking the guy or girl that everytime they go out, they are angry for some reason. Why, who knows? They just are. These people show up every where, ball parks, parks, little league games, clubs, etc. There is always the person who wants to be tough.
4. The gay and lesbian: who knows how to draw attention to themselves better then the gays and lesbians? I'm talking about the flamboyant ones. You know the ones who are beyond "out of the closet." When other gay people say that you're too gay, then you are too gay. Gays and lesbian make their presence known.
3. The stuntman: there is always the guy at the party who can be dared to do anything. This guy does the stunts that are too dangerous for a normal sober person. Sometimes this stuntman pretends that he needs more to drink to do any stunt required of him, but that is a false statement. The additional liqour is an excuse for why he performed the stunt. Guaranteed peer acceptance unfortunately this guy doesn't get a lot of chicks because his stunts normally translate to stupidity.
2. The bride: the woman dressed in all white. This is her day. All eyes are on her. Ok, I don't really mean a bride in reality but I do mean the girl in white or bright colors. Easy to spot out in a crowd. Typically if u are wearing white, you ain't wearing much under it. Last thing you want is to have a white shirt and a black bra. As far as other colors, anything bright. Attention for sure to the girl in the bright yellow looking like Big Bird. The reason I call this person "the bride" is because a bride takes time to pick out her wedding dress. It has to be perfect. Most women take time to pick out their clothes that they are going to wear out. People wear what will get attention, hence a bride.
1. The guy with his shirt off: ok so who gets more attention than a bride? The guy who always takes his shit off. No one misses this guy. Seriously. There is always that one guy who takes his shirt off. Most of the time it is because he is muscular. Other times include the sweaty guy who needs his shirt to dry off, or doesn't want his shirt to get sweaty so he takes it off, or the over weight guy who takes his shirt off and jiggles his belly around. This is very noticeable especially at sporting events. Speaking of which, who can forget the tits with their shirts off and their bodies are painted? If a female would do this, she of course would gain a ton more attention, hence mardi gras and girls gone wild. Unfortunately for men, this doesn't happen enough and is not as "accepted" for women as it is for men.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Top Dog

Welcome to Man Reason!!!
So i have been gone for a while. Logical explanation, i've been educating myself and become a more successful individual. What really brought me back was one day i was checking my stats and i seen that i maybe hot over seas. Wow. I'm internationally known? An achievement i once had before when i was pursuing a music career. Now i am a legit blogger. It's all about the words man. Well lets get to the main focus.

Go on any porn site and you will see categories of all sorts, most importantly the categories that focus in the woman's ethnicity. Strangely, besides "black cock," there is hardly the same treatment toward the men. Well this got me thinking of what type of men, race wise, do women like and vice versa. Welcome to Man Reason Top Five Ethnic: Based on Sexual Preference. Welcome to Man Reason!!!

Top Male Dog

5. Latin
Don't believe in the Latin Lover myth that is promoted by the media. Ask yourself when was the last time u seen a interracial couple and the man is Latin? Rarely outside predominately Latin areas. Yes, the guys are smooth and the stereotype must have some merit or it wouldn't be a stereotype but unfortunately lack of media exposure and the negative propaganda of illegal immigrants is killing these guys sexually.

4. Asian
Small Penis but will kick your ass. Yes these are stereotypes but as I said before the stereotype comes from somewhere. Where do these guys succeed, brains and money. These guys are the creators of the sex toys that you wish you had. Unfortunately once again, it's rare to see a interracial couple especially where the male is Asian.

3. Bi-racial
Ok, this really ain't fair. The growing number of bi-racial children are growing. These guys are stuck with choosing what race will they associate with most. Luckily for these guys, there are some very famous people at this present time who are bi-racial a.k.a Barack Obama and tiger woods. Who wouldn't want to bang the president of the united states? Also who didn't tiger woods bang? So these guys made the list and made being bi-racial a category I couldn't have on here.

2. Black men
What the hell? All the stereotypes associated with black males gains mire and more women for black males. I'm talking American black though. For a black male you are either an athlete, singer, rapper, or thug. For some reason even being a dead beat dad, no job having black man is seen as a prized jewel. Sadly being an established well spoken black male is looked down upon. No matter what type of black male you are though, the one stereotype that all will claim is the "big dick" stereotype. Side note, all black men do have big dick. This one stereotype gets 99% of black men sex outside of their race.

1. White men
White men are number one on my list because they control a couple of things: the media, the money, and the world. Fame fortune and power turn a lot of women on no matter what the race is. As black men predominately will date only certain races, white males have shown no hesitation is spreading their seed to all races on all continents. Years of ruling the world has its advantages. Flip through any magazine and the top sexist male more than likely will be a white male.

Top Female Dog

5. Bi-racial
There are several famous bi-racial women, unfortunately as a whole, you don't hear guys talking too much about how much they enjoy bi-racial women. The problem comes in that most men want one of the races that the woman is mixed with. There really isn't any bragging points for banging the bi-racial girl. Some have gained respect like a blackenese but others have not gained the sexual appeal.

4. Black women
I'm sorry my beautiful Nubian princess but it's time for a make over. The black girl with the big booty is like a cliche now. Your actually more surprised and disappointed if she doesn't have a butt. As a white woman can get away with not having a butt, it just doesn't go over that well with black women. On top of that, now the Latin women are coming much more curvier, and the growing "in" booty carrier is a white woman. My sistas are in great need.

3. Latin
Sexual with big butts. Move over black women. The thing that helps Latin women is the lack of negative stereotypes out there about them. The great thing about Latin women is their curves and how they move them. Not to mention every guys fantasy of having a woman of another nationality speak in their native tongue why love making. There are certain cliche saying that are involved sexually with women of a foreign tongue.

2. Asian
Two words: schoolgirl. Really that's one, but the Asian have a couple of things going for them, massage parlors and the other stereotypes about Asian women being very loyal and submissive. The explosion of mix Asian children most definitely came because of the wars. Purely my opinion, but it would be hard to argue.

1. White women
Who doesn't want to take a white woman and show her who's boss in the bedroom? The problem with white women is the fact that white men have been so suppressive to the other races. How else to exact revenge then to constantly sex their women? Secondly, white males focused on world domination have forsaken their duties as lovers to their women. What does a woman do then, go and find someone who will pay attention. On top of that the continuous media blitz of how white women have the perfect bodies and look and are highly sexual, adds to the mystique of the white woman.

In Conclusion

Ok, there will probably be a lot of people mad about this but i don't really care, it's just my man reasoning. I wrote this on the fly testing out an app that i downloaded from the android market. It's a blogger app. Wow. blogging on the go. No longer do i need my computer. Maybe i will become a better blogger now?

So i like to give a shout out to all the people in the Netherlands, Finland, Japan, United Kingdom, Argentina, Brazil, Guadeloupe, Russia, and the Ukraine. Because of your support, i will continue to believe that i am a legit blogger and continue to put out material that i really do believe is good now. Thanks for the support. Leave comments even if you visit accidentally.

Thank you, Man Reason returns!!!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Tute Wife

Welcome to Man Reason!!! So I am trying something new. I own a HTC Evo and I am big with using apps that are productive. So it made sense for me to download an app that is for blogging. This technically is not the first post strictly constructed on my phone, but it is the first one completely completed in the phone and posted from my phone. Welcome to Man Reason!!! I have a female friend that basically meets men and allows them to treat her to a day or week or month of pleasure financially. What I mean is dinner, gifts, entertainment, etc., in exchange they may receive some sex. Now she is single and allowed to do as she pleases but some women and men may feel that she is taking advantage of these men, using what she has in order to gain some financial reward. Typically women that sell sex are called prostitutes. In this case the woman is not technically considered a prostitute yet she is selling the same merchandise. This logic lead me to journey deep into my mind and realize that by definition there is a lot of prostitutes out there posing under the title of "wife."
A wife who takes advantage of her husband for financial gain is considered a gold digger on most accounts. That's fine and dandy, except that a wife uses the same merchandise that a prostitute uses in order to achieve their goal, sex.
If u haven't been keeping up, the merchandise is "sex" and any woman that uses sex to achieve some sort of monetary reward or tangible reward is a prostitute. Period. No if ands or buts.
So of course you're probably sitting there saying that "I am not a prostitute! My husband loves me and that's why he takes care of me and buys me these gifts or let's me have all this money!" Bullshit. The only reason men get married is to secure sex for the rest of their lives. Now in order to get that sex, men will do whatever it takes. Plain and simple. How many guys do u know that are nice to women and expect nothing in return? Well let's see. This world had been here for billions of years and people have been around for a few thousand. Hmmm? I can't name one. Not now, not ever. Ok, maybe a gay man, but for this argument they do not count.
Ok, so the merchandise in question is in question. Any woman who believes she is being sexed for her personality is a complete moron. Here is a simple test that u can do with your spouse. Go to him and say, if u put my personality in (insert the most unattractive female to your spouse name here) would u have sex with her? More than likely he will say yes! He's not a fool. Saying no only means your personality is shitty and not good enough to make him want to screw an ugly chick.
A wife gets a house, car, etc, but most importantly that expensive ring. That diamond. What are u suppose to save up, three months salary? What makes this any different than paying a prostitute? The difference is the John is guaranteed sex with a prostitute. Technically, the ring is a down payment for sex on the honeymoon.
So far I have just stated my opinion with no facts that's what I do, I do entertainment, no facts needed.