Monday, July 4, 2011

Two Sides to Every Fence

Welcome to Man Reason!!! Phone post three! The picture thang (yes, thang) didn't work on the last post, so this will be try two. I continue to push myself in thinking outside the box. How did you like the more educated non-sexual non-relationship posting? Oh, you didn't read them, well you should, they are actually surprisingly good. I'm bias though. Today though, Man Reason is traveling back in time to what I do best, relationship advice. It's always the women's fault. The end. Case closed. Problem solved. No this post isn't about blaming the female spouse for ruining the relationship, no, this post is about life after your ruined relationship. You see people stay in relationships because of fear or comfort, even though the writing is on the wall that it's over. This post will dig deep into life after death. Welcome to Man Reason!!!
Two Sides to Every Fence
So, you are in bed next to the person that you thought was the person that you would spend the rest of your life with and you realize that that isn't true any longer. Now what? Your mind starts wandering and wondering what would life be without your spouse. Here's where the dilemma begins. On one side of the fence your life is great. On the other side of the fence, your life is horrible. So which one would truely happen?
Side one: the grass is Greener
Yes, your spouse is gone and your life has never been better. It's a wonder why you stayed in a relationship with that person to begin with. So how great is your life? I don't know, everybody's happiness is different, but when I posed this question to a friend, he replied with this answer: Man, I will be stress free. No one to nag me about bullshit. No more dealing with bullshit. Just relaxing having a good time. May even meet someone who knows how to treat a good man. I didn't want to be bias so I posed this question to a female friend too. She answered: I would travel. She did not elaborate any more, accept stating places she would go. So life is great, you are happy, and youu die of euphoria. That's not the life you here about in books, on television, or during movies. No, you here about the grass not being greener.
Side two: the grass is not Greener
So you have left your spouse in hopes of greener pastures and what happens, your life takes an ugly turn for the worse. Here again, I can not say what these means for you imparticular, but judging by answers that I was given when I asked this question, the main concern is dying alone. Loneliness. Losing money (mostly a guy with kids answer). Not being able to enjoy life. Sad, yes, this life is. Yoda. This is the life that keeps you hanging in a relationship that isn't working. This is the life you see in movies, television, and written in books. Bad dog for running away! There's your choices, which life will you end up with? Somethings are out of your control, yes, but if you want my opinion (even if you don't want it, you are about to receive it) enjoy your life regardless of which side you get. Then a bad situation to a good situation. It can be done. Ok maybe I've seen too many movies also. It can't be done, accept the miserable life you have now. Man Reason!!!!

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