Friday, July 1, 2011

Development Journal Two

Welcome to Man Reason!!! Here is my second post from my educational side. I don't have much to say beforehand, enjoy. Welcome to Man Reason!!!

The Latimer Theory

The Bronfenbrenner Ecological System Theory focuses on the development of a child through several layers of influences, which include the micro, meso, and exo-systems (if you want to know what they mean, look it up). I looked at this, then looked at my step kids and said that there is something not right about the Ecological System Theory. Not that it isn’t right, but I could modify the idea. So I did. 

Just think back to all the things that influence your life, and all the lives that you have influenced. Now the Berk book does stated that in the EST (Ecological System Theory) the child can be influenced and does influence. I created what I am calling the Latimer Theory, which shows the overlap of the influences and how each influence on the child influences the influences. Keep up, did I lose you. It’s a circular theory, much like the water cycle. Culture/Society Influences the family/friends that influence the child that influences the family/friends that influence the culture/society that get it.


I have combined any human interactions that the child receives under the circle that is known as the Humanus Circle. This includes family, friends, and anyone else that you may come in contact with (teachers, strangers, the ice cream man, etc). In some systems, friends and family are separate, but I believe that though each have different influences, they themselves influence each other as well as all your human interaction that is why I combined them into one circle. Example: Your parents do not like your friends, which influences your relationship with your those friends, that influences the relationship with your parents.


The second circle (what am I, Dante) is what I call the Culture and Social. This is society as a whole influence on the child. This includes rules, laws, fads, trends, beliefs, and religion. Most of what is within this circle is non-tangible.


Now the next two circles are my creation, so I think. The first circle is called the Nondeterministic Experience. Simply put, when face with a decision the child will respond in a nondetermined nonconditioned way. When this happens, the consequence will influence the child in what way? The actions of the child then influences the other circles. This circle is best explained and seen if you place a person in a situation that they have never been in before. 


The last circle is the Universal Rubric. How do the things that man cannot control such as gravity, day and night, what planet they live on, life and death influence them? This circle influences the other three circle and though man will one day be able to control most of the universal circle, there are things that man may never be able to control. Man though can influence this circle with things such as global warming that then influence the other circles. I also add genetics in this circle though man can now do some genetic altering it is not an everyday occurrence.

All four of the circles are the influences that affect a child in my Latimer Theory. I applied my own theory to my stepson, and thought to myself, “I may be on to something here?”

Man Reason

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