Sunday, May 22, 2011

Drawing attention

Welcome to Man Reason!!! Well the first post from my phone went well. This is the second. There is some minor things that I need to work on, like why it posted the post before another post and not after and how to put a picture in it? Well this is my second try. So school is almost over and I am trying to figure out what happens afterwards. I have been here before for undergrad and things kind of didn't work out like they do in the movies. From my understanding, you are suppose to go to college, graduate, apply,interview, and get a job. From there find a woman, get married, have kids, and watch them grow, then die. Well that's not how it worked for me. All that is for another story though. Today I will be focusing on the art of drawing attention to yourself. See I went to a party and it triggered some thoughts in my head as I people watched. Each person attempted to draw attention to themselves but some were better than others. This lead me to the thought of "Top Ten Attention Seeking People." Welcome to Man Reason!!!

10. The drunk (the I'm always drunk person): the always drunk person is always drunk. That is their job. They drink and get drunk and then who knows what. They know that they are getting drunk and so does everyone else before they reach their destination. Eventually, this person either becomes a drunk or getting drunk gets old. Once that happens, this person becomes lost and has no identity.
9.  The alternative person: being different is the key to being alternative but by being different that kind of makes you the same. Sure you stand out outside ornament area where everyone is different than you, but amongst your peers, you look normal. 
8. The slutty girl: the girl with half her clothes off before she even gets to her destination. Once there she is making out with men and women, not really to get laid, all for just attention.
7. The playboy: when this guy walks in everyone notices. He is dressed to impress, well groomed, and has been pretty his whole life. Women want him and guys want to be him. A true pretty boy can just stand in one spot and get all the women at the party.
6. The dancer: by showing u can dance, allegedly that means you are good in bed, plus as a girl it is an easy attention grabber. This correlation of dancing and sex only pretains to certain styles of dancing, it does not apply to like a ballerina. Though if someone went to a party and started doing ballet, attention that person would receive. 
5. The thugs: there' s always the guy or girl in some cases who only came out to fight. I'm not talking about your typical thugs, the stereotype thugs, they can be seen a mile away. I'm talking the guy or girl that everytime they go out, they are angry for some reason. Why, who knows? They just are. These people show up every where, ball parks, parks, little league games, clubs, etc. There is always the person who wants to be tough.
4. The gay and lesbian: who knows how to draw attention to themselves better then the gays and lesbians? I'm talking about the flamboyant ones. You know the ones who are beyond "out of the closet." When other gay people say that you're too gay, then you are too gay. Gays and lesbian make their presence known.
3. The stuntman: there is always the guy at the party who can be dared to do anything. This guy does the stunts that are too dangerous for a normal sober person. Sometimes this stuntman pretends that he needs more to drink to do any stunt required of him, but that is a false statement. The additional liqour is an excuse for why he performed the stunt. Guaranteed peer acceptance unfortunately this guy doesn't get a lot of chicks because his stunts normally translate to stupidity.
2. The bride: the woman dressed in all white. This is her day. All eyes are on her. Ok, I don't really mean a bride in reality but I do mean the girl in white or bright colors. Easy to spot out in a crowd. Typically if u are wearing white, you ain't wearing much under it. Last thing you want is to have a white shirt and a black bra. As far as other colors, anything bright. Attention for sure to the girl in the bright yellow looking like Big Bird. The reason I call this person "the bride" is because a bride takes time to pick out her wedding dress. It has to be perfect. Most women take time to pick out their clothes that they are going to wear out. People wear what will get attention, hence a bride.
1. The guy with his shirt off: ok so who gets more attention than a bride? The guy who always takes his shit off. No one misses this guy. Seriously. There is always that one guy who takes his shirt off. Most of the time it is because he is muscular. Other times include the sweaty guy who needs his shirt to dry off, or doesn't want his shirt to get sweaty so he takes it off, or the over weight guy who takes his shirt off and jiggles his belly around. This is very noticeable especially at sporting events. Speaking of which, who can forget the tits with their shirts off and their bodies are painted? If a female would do this, she of course would gain a ton more attention, hence mardi gras and girls gone wild. Unfortunately for men, this doesn't happen enough and is not as "accepted" for women as it is for men.

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