Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Tute Wife

Welcome to Man Reason!!! So I am trying something new. I own a HTC Evo and I am big with using apps that are productive. So it made sense for me to download an app that is for blogging. This technically is not the first post strictly constructed on my phone, but it is the first one completely completed in the phone and posted from my phone. Welcome to Man Reason!!! I have a female friend that basically meets men and allows them to treat her to a day or week or month of pleasure financially. What I mean is dinner, gifts, entertainment, etc., in exchange they may receive some sex. Now she is single and allowed to do as she pleases but some women and men may feel that she is taking advantage of these men, using what she has in order to gain some financial reward. Typically women that sell sex are called prostitutes. In this case the woman is not technically considered a prostitute yet she is selling the same merchandise. This logic lead me to journey deep into my mind and realize that by definition there is a lot of prostitutes out there posing under the title of "wife."
A wife who takes advantage of her husband for financial gain is considered a gold digger on most accounts. That's fine and dandy, except that a wife uses the same merchandise that a prostitute uses in order to achieve their goal, sex.
If u haven't been keeping up, the merchandise is "sex" and any woman that uses sex to achieve some sort of monetary reward or tangible reward is a prostitute. Period. No if ands or buts.
So of course you're probably sitting there saying that "I am not a prostitute! My husband loves me and that's why he takes care of me and buys me these gifts or let's me have all this money!" Bullshit. The only reason men get married is to secure sex for the rest of their lives. Now in order to get that sex, men will do whatever it takes. Plain and simple. How many guys do u know that are nice to women and expect nothing in return? Well let's see. This world had been here for billions of years and people have been around for a few thousand. Hmmm? I can't name one. Not now, not ever. Ok, maybe a gay man, but for this argument they do not count.
Ok, so the merchandise in question is in question. Any woman who believes she is being sexed for her personality is a complete moron. Here is a simple test that u can do with your spouse. Go to him and say, if u put my personality in (insert the most unattractive female to your spouse name here) would u have sex with her? More than likely he will say yes! He's not a fool. Saying no only means your personality is shitty and not good enough to make him want to screw an ugly chick.
A wife gets a house, car, etc, but most importantly that expensive ring. That diamond. What are u suppose to save up, three months salary? What makes this any different than paying a prostitute? The difference is the John is guaranteed sex with a prostitute. Technically, the ring is a down payment for sex on the honeymoon.
So far I have just stated my opinion with no facts that's what I do, I do entertainment, no facts needed.   

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