Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Lion, the Smith, and the Hobo

Welcome to Man Reason!!! I haven’t gotten into the Man Reason's reasoning to why there is no such thing as “love.” Today, though while I was working on the “love” post, I started to think, “How long is a relationship?” Then I thought “how to know when your relationship is over.” I don’t mean like over to where you need to break up or divorce, I was thinking over like you are in a relationship by title but there is no relationship type activity happening in your relationship. Get it? No? Well, i'll post something about that one day. Today though i want to focus on your spouse leaving you and the three people that you could be left for.

There are three people that your spouse will leave you for. These people are called EX-ponents. “EX” because you will become the ex-spouse and “ponent” as in opponent. The EX-ponent is just that, your competition that will lead you from a relationship into single life again. To keep you from wondering why your spouse left you, the only thing you need to do is know who they left you for. Even if your spouse did not leave you for someone, believe me they did mentally. You were not the person your spouse needed you to be. Welcome to Man Reason!!!

The EX-ponent:
The Lion, the Smith, and the Hobo

The Hobo: This it the person who will treat your spouse worse than you. Crazy thing is your spouse will enjoy being treated worse. During their relationship, constant mention of how you treated your spouse will arise. The Hobo’s unwillingness to treat your ex-spouse any where close to how you treated them and unwillingness to care about the negative comparison to you is the Hobo’s most appealing asset to your ex-spouse. The Hobo is known for taking from your ex-spouse with little return, yet your ex-spouse will be more inclined to give without receiving even if this was a pervious problem in your relationship with your ex-spouse.

Pros: Room to grow and change. A Hobo is at the lowest level, it is possible in some cases of a Hobo to grow or be molded into some one better.

Cons: Refusal to grow. The same thing that could be seen as a possible positive is also the most negative aspect of the Hobo. They have opportunity to grow, but they normally choose not to. Convincing the Hobo to better themselves is a challenge that most are willing to take and fail miserably.

The Smith: Titled the Smith because Smith is a common name. Hence the Smith is the common male equal to you. This person does everything similar to you, has equal qualities, body features, etc. The Smith is the most common of all EX-ponents. Your spouse will leave you for someone believed to be a Lion, but in the end the will have the qualities of a Smith. The Smith is deceiving to that sense.

Pros: The Smith is a jack of all trades, this leads to the deception of Lion status. The Smith is able to have a long lasting relationship.

Cons: The Smith is an average guy. Well above the Hobo when it comes to goals, but well below the Lion when it comes to appeal. The Smith is marriage material but most will want the Smith to be more Lion-like causing problems within the relationship.

The Lion: The dominate male. Cocky to say the least. Powerful. Playboy. Rich. Womanizer. Debonair. Suave. Prince Charming. He is everything you are not and more. This is the dream guy of your spouse. If your spouse is to leave you for him, you wouldn’t even complain. The Lion has a romantic side and a bad guy side. He is the ultimate shape shifter depending on the woman. The Lion is the man kicking sand in your face on the beach.

Pros: The Lion is the ultimate guy. A relationship with the lion is what your spouse dreams of.

Cons: Due to the Lion’s massive appeal, he is hard to trust. The price of being wanted is trust issues. The Lion typically will have several unsuccessful relationships. In the end, in order for the Lion to have a meaningful relationship, he will conform into a Smith. Lions are trendy. Today’s Lion could be a rich guy, tomorrow that trend will a guy who is a thug. Once the Lion is out of style, he loses his appeal and becomes a Hobo.

The Lion, the Smith, and the Hobo

NEXT POST: Brag-o-Meter

*Lion of the Dublin Zoo taken from Tambako the Jaguar's *

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