Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action: Why You Cannot Make a Good Home Porn Movie

Welcome to Man Reason!!! Before I get to my topic, I like to do what is kind of like an editorial, blogitorial, postitorial. Pick one, I prefer postitorial. Anyways, so on the last post, there was this comment.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you focus more on sex and why! Meaning why is there a nonstop need to have it and from numerous partners?

So that will be my next focus point. Gotta do some research and take some polls on why do people cheat? I’m not saying why do men cheat, but why do people cheat.

Also be looking out for my short story post explaining the Levels of Sexuality. Call it Man Fiction, or Post Fiction.

Last of the new ideas I got brewing in my head is a post with post ideas. I’m calling it Man Reason Shorts. This post will feature just post topic ideas, and maybe a short synopsis about the idea or the direction I will be taking the idea.

This really wasn’t a postitorial, more like an advertisement for the future.

Lights, Camera, Action: Why You Cannot Make a Good Home Porn Movie

Plain and simple, you cannot make a good porn movie because of your lighting, camera angles, and action. I’m not talking about a movie where you hide the camera behind your stuffed animals or have your friend record you from inside the closet. Nor am i talking about the video where you kept yourself hidden from the camera’s view, only shooting the girl so you could show your boys later. Lastly, I am not talking about most of the home amateur videos that populate the amateur scene right now. What I am talking about, is a porn movie so good that you could sell it. One that you would not be ashamed to show your mother. What I will be describing is how to make a home porn movie that will accomplish your video making fantasies.


Porn and Hollywood movies are lit brightly unless the lighting is to achieve some effect. Porn movies especially are lit so you can see what is going on. If you were to look on most online amateur sites, the only lighting typically is from the normal house lighting or sun light shining through the nearby window. Unless you plan on purchasing a light kit, which some you can find for under $500, then I would suggest checking your camera settings and making sure you adjust the settings to the type of light source you are shooting under. Remove all shades and covers from over the light source. Another technique to try is bouncing the light source off the wall. If you still are unable to achieve half way descent lighting, the easy thing you can do is move the light source closer to the subjects or the subjects closer to the lights. And also don’t forget to white balance.


Remember that there are two or more cameras recording a typical porn movie. Unless you are into POV movie style then a tripod is the only option to obtain similar camera angles. Achieving the angles in the movies would take a lot of stop and starting back up. Stop, move the camera, shoot, stop, move the camera, shoot. Unless you got an actor that is willing, this will become boring and time consuming. But if you doing POV then this shouldn’t be problem you just have to practice on getting your angles and learning how to reduce the camera shake. My suggestion, just explain to your actor that you are trying to achieve a certain angle and explain why. Also I recommend finding a movie with that particular shot and showing your actor. That way it is known exactly what you are trying to achieve.


Okay, first you have to convince your actor to let you record the two of you having sex. The second thing is, as I said before, you are attempting to make a “real porn movie” not an amateur movie. With that said, what does a movie porn or Hollywood have? If you said acting, then you are correct! Pop in any porn and you will hear the actors moaning, groaning, and talking dirty. There will be extreme sexual positions, don’t try these at home type, and an intensity to the sex that is beyond what most people do, ever. Now go to any amateur site and notice the lack there of. Typically what you see is real sex. Porn sex and real sex are two different things. Before you begin, tell your actor, “Over act please!” Tell what you need to be said, and how you need it to be said. Have you heard of an acting coach? Well that is what you are. Teach your actor how, when, where, and why. As silly as it sounds, the sound will make the video less silly. Getting over the “this is stupid” or “I sound stupid” will be the hardest part of all of this.

In short, the only way to make a good home porn movie is with practice. Practice with everything from the lighting to the acting. Act like you are having the best sex you have ever had. Always remember that it is a movie for you to enjoy. What’s the point of making the movie if you don’t?

Man Reason

NEXT POST: Fulfillment: The Art of Cheating

*Caught in the Act from*
*caught in the act *

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