Saturday, September 3, 2011

Internet School vs Traditional

Welcome to Man Reason!!! So, the phone posting gives me freedom and portability but as for aesthetics, um its not that great. More practice is needed. So here goes a combination try or phone plus computer post.
With that disclaimer out of the way, let's talk about school.

Online versus Traditional

Online defined as school where all classes are performed online in some form. The student never has to go to a campus or to a classroom for actual class.

Traditional defined as classes that the student must attend on a campus.

I will go ahead and get directly to the winner, Online School. Sorry traditional but there really isn't a reason to go to a tradition college any longer and as time passes traditional colleges will be as important as newspapers.

Let's be honest, what is the reason that anyone would have to go to a tradition college? Parties, more parties, sports, and join a fraternity or sorority. Education wise, not really important especially if your field of study is not a hands on field like a surgeon. If the class does not require physical activity, then why is it important for anyone to go? If all you are doing as a student is taking notes and sitting in a class for an hour, why couldn't you do that same note taking at home? Labs, yes, you may at this time need a college classroom for purely safety reasons, other than that, stay at home.

Now with the slowly emerging video conferencing applications appearing on smartphones, tablets, and computers, the days of needing to leave your home to view a lecture is over. The amount of students around the world that could view a lecture is unlimited.

Not convinced. How about responsibility of the student to attend class? Ok, most professors will have a clause in there syllabus that deals with attendance. My problem with that is that I am paying for class so shouldn't I have the right to come or not to come without being penalized? Well with online classes, when you log in, you are in class. It takes self motivation and responsibility to do online classes. Yes, those same factors may be involved in traditional classes, the reality of it all is that it is much easier to attend a traditional class then it would be an online. Both though require the responsibility and motivation to study, but what's the point of traditional class if I am studying at home. Why not just take an online class and still study at home?

Think I was just rambling there. Let's just say that the only reason to go to a traditional college is to play sports and social interactions. Seriously, that's about it. Maybe my vote against traditional schools has not been convincing, but neither has the arguments for traditional classes. Can anyone make an argument for traditional classes?

Man Reason