Monday, June 28, 2010

The Return

I've been gone for a while, I apologize to my fans and loyal followers, but i'm back now better than ever. Man Reason the return. Nothing has changed. I am still the same man I used to be. If you want to know why I took a break, it was to try and match tiger woods and get me twelve or more mistresses. That's all I am saying about that until the press conference. Don’t worry ladies, I learned how to multi-task. Now I can blog and panty raid at the same time.

For all of you though that are new, welcome. Man Reason is a site by men for anyone who wants a logically manly explanation to the world's greatest mysteries.

Since this is the return of Man Reason, I thought that I would start with something big. One day my wife and I were having a debate about texting versus facebooking. That is a word now. I asked is there a difference between me texting lets say one of my mistresses to her facebooking one of her johns. That debate leads me to the return of man reason. Welcome to Man Reason!!!


Texting: using your cell phone, which you no longer make calls on, to send typed messages to friends, family, and anyone else who doesn't fall into those categories.

Facebook: the current social network champion where people spend countless hours clicking through albums of pictures, posting comments, and receiving private message not viewable by anyone without access to the account.

So which one should you and/or your spouse be more comfortable with the other doing? 


In order for someone to text you they must obtain your phone number. There is the tricky part. My wife asked me well as a married man should I be giving my number out to a woman and /or vice versa? Um, yes, I should. I’m married. I need a friend or two.

In order for someone to message you on Facebook they just have to look you up and send you a message or a friend request.

TEXTING. Face it FACEBOOK anyone can look you, old ex-spouses, and complete strangers. The argument against TEXTING is that it is more intimate because you do have to exchange numbers with the person, but that same reason is why TEXTING is the safer route and my trust worthy of the two. No random person or old fling can magically gain access to your phone number if they currently do not have it. 


Yes, cell phones do have lock features that enable you to secure your phone to were no one can view your messages without your lock code. In a survey conducted, 6 out of ten people said that they lock their cell phone. Of people married, 4 out of ten state that they lock their phone. Of those three people only two said that their spouse knows their lock code.

In order to access someone's Facebook account you need the person's username and password. Now there is also a way to view the profile if the profile is not set to private. If the profile is set to private then the person must befriend you in order to view the account. In a survey taken, 3 out of ten stated that their spouse has the username and password needed to access their Facebook account. 2 out of ten stated that their spouse is a friend on their account.

FACEBOOK. Even though phones today have more complex locking systems, in the end it is harder to break into someone's FACEBOOK account than a cell phone unless u are a professional hacker. With that said though, if I were to leave my phone alone for a second it will automatically lock, where as if I leave my computer alone it, pending no lock on the computer, the Facebook site will not log you out. What that means is if you are forgetful then get a cell phone.


TEXT messages are private. Only you and the person that you are engaged in a conversation with have access to your text messages.

FACEBOOK has the ability to send private messages but also have the ability for people to post on your wall. For a married person this can be dangerous since someone can post something and it could be taken out of context by your spouse.

TEXTING. Yes, your spouse might scan through your phone and read something and take it out of context, but on FACEBOOK the whole world could take a posting out of context. So now not only does your spouse think you are up to something but also her mother, brother, and all her FACEBOOK friends. Perception is reality.


In conclusion texting is dying slowly, being replace by the social network sites. With the improvement of cell phones and the ability to access the social networks on your phone or computer, it is becoming increasing more important for insecurities in people to die. Trust is not everything, neither is the truth. What is important is the feeling. If you are truly in love with the person you shouldn't be snooping in their Facebook account or their cell phone. If you are that insecure than the problem is within you. Get help. Man Reason.

*Grapefruit and Peanuts property of Pizzodisevo from*

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Return Soon

Man Reason Returns June 2010!!!!!