Saturday, December 5, 2009

Love: Several Stories About Part 1

Welcome to Man Reason!!! Sorry, it’s been a while since I posted last, but I have been busy at my other job trying to move up in the world. To live comfortably is my goal in life. The problem is that that takes hard work and dedication and time. Time is something I seem not to have a lot of because of the hard work and dedication. What else takes hard work, time, and dedication is love. Love is what? What is love? Everyone’s definition is going to be different. This post will start a series of post dedicated to “love.” Welcome to Man Reason!!!

Love: Several Stories About Part 1

Love Is like a Light Switch Part 1

A light switch turns on and off. Love, a feeling, an emotion, a belief is expected to be controlled much like a light switch. Only in romantic love, is one expected to turn the Love Switch off for anyone else except for your spouse. It is possible that you can love more than one brother, one sister, one parent, and/or one relative. This love is Family Love. It is also possible to have a Friend Love for someone. A best friend could be looked at as close as a relative. It is possible to have several Friend-mances. Then there is Romantic Love, the love between two people in a romantic relationship. While it is possible for you to turn the Romantic Love Switch on and off multiple times for multiple people, it is deemed not possible for you to have more than one switch on at a time unlike in the other forms of love. By having multiple switches on romantically, it is assumed that neither nor any of these switches are true love.

Love is equal to hate. Hate is equal to love. Wrong. There is Romantic Hate like there is Romantic Love. Romantic Hate would be an ex-girlfriend or an ex-boyfriend that maybe broke your heart. Every time you see them you may wish the ills of the world on them. I’m talking true romantic hate. Not someone you dated for a couple of months. I’m talking someone you married, had children with, and they left you with no explanation. Now your life is in the dumps, you went bankrupt, and your kids are out of control. I’m talking that kind of hate. While this scenario can and could happen to you several times, it is possible for someone to hate the spouses in this scenario equally. While it is impossible, supposedly, to love two people who both romantically treat you great.

Does the light always stay on? There are days where you may want to be in the dark so to speak. The light switch turns off. Now it is dark. Maybe turn the light off for a brief moment. That too can happen to love. One minute you may love someone the next you don’t then another minute goes by and you love them again. It is possible in a happy committed romantic love life that the Love Switch may turn off occasional. This is not a problem. The problem is when the switch doesn’t ever come back on.

Love is like a light switch.

Two Different Version of the Same Love Part 1

People have different needs and wants. People also have different views of love. Below are a love lesson me and my wife did, explaining how we met and fell in love and what we were looking for. My story is so much truer than hers though. LOL!!! Can I use that if I’m not texting?

From the moment my eyes were upon her, unfortunately she did not feel the same, since when I opened my mouth I came across the wrong way. Thankfully, that would not be my first and only chance to make an impression. Luckily for me she gave me a second, third, fourth, fifth, I actually lost count on how many chances I was given in order to impress. I tried and tried to impress her with my wit, being funny, and being charming. None which worked. Eventually, I just started to be myself. This to me was the turning point in not only us becoming a couple, but also in me seeing what I wanted in a spouse. Throughout my life, it would seem I was just an actor in a relationship. Never being myself. With her, I saw that the most important thing I was looking for was someone whom allowed me to be myself. Once I stop pretending to be someone I was not, and started being myself, we became closer. - Man Reason

Once he arrived the day after the Kentucky Derby. I didn’t like the idea of having men come over to my apartment since my two kids would be home. Relationships are not guaranteed to last, and as a mother, I did not want to introduce my children to multiple men. Allowing him to come over was a huge step to me, but I knew he was the one. This was the first time I had allowed him to come over to my apartment. This would be the first and only time I would ever have to ask him to come over. From that day, he never left. Once there it was like we were already a family. My kids instantly took a liking to him, since he acted as a grown kid himself. Bonding with them was easy. Over the phone, he would talk about having kids, seeing him with my kids, showed that he was a natural father. From that day, I was in love. Real love.- Ideal Wifey

Man Reason

*Lights Out property of Witheyes*